Discover your gifts and follow your bliss!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Working in my art journal

  Being in my art journal just brings me so much peace of mind. I really do lose myself. It's a place my mind goes to and really is just at peace. I am thinking of my art or what it is representing at the time but as I work, there is no pressing issues to deal with. No grocery lists going through my head, no did I do this, did I do that, what's for dinner......Calm....Peace of mind.....Tranquility......Bliss.
    I recently went on a road trip to California with my dad and had even more time than  usual for art. I know right?! How cool is that?! So I am sharing a few pages with you.

All kinds of crazy!

     Well my spring has not gone as I had planned. I have recovered from my hip surgery in January very well. That did go as expected! But now my back (which has been bad for a very long time) has decided to go Ka Put! I am trying an injection next wednesday. Cross your fingers. Last try before scheduling surgery. Which I guess I am not opposed to anymore because I cant function now unless I am sitting down and on various medications. It is nice to be able do doodle and play in my art journal more!
    I have a few projects I want to show.

This is a shadow box that I made as a gift for my aunt. She loves this tree and has said it just 'speaks' to her. I continued the picture onto the mat using watercolors. The tree was photo shopped just to lightened the shadows and it's branches were extended onto the mat as well. I added wood to the tree for texture and at the bottom I glued on some sand and gravel so it is more like the side of the road. The quote is one I have heard over the years but it seemed so appropriate here.